Lawrence O’Donnell Continues MSNBC's Apology Tour

From The Young Turks: "Lawrence O’Donnell is continuing the trend of apologies at MSNBC. This time for accusing Donald Trump of lying about his salary on The Apprentice.”

For anyone that missed it, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Lawrence O'Donnell got into a bit of a shouting match on Morning Joe this Thursday, which continued after the segment was over and Lawrence O'Donnell was no longer on the set, with O'Donnell going after Scarborough on Twitter.

If you would like to read a very humorous take on that entire exchange and Scarborough attempting to downplay just how obnoxious Trump is with a little game of "both sides do it," go read Driftglass' take here: Morning Spew.

I love his photoshop of Scarborough BTW. Here it is for those who haven't seen it.

Credit: Driftglass

I caught the exchange that morning and O'Donnell's gag-inducing apology the following evening on The Last Word, and had not planned on writing anything about it because the whole thing is pretty stupid, frankly, until I watched The Young Turks' Cenk Uygur's take on it above.

The one thing you can take away from all of this is that the powers that be over at MSNBC love Joe Scarborough and he rules the roost over there, and as Cenk explained the only person they love more than Jihad Joe (my nickname for him) is Chris Matthews. Cenk said O'Donnell's apology had MSNBC management written all over it and that the one thing they hate worse than anything else is when their own on-air talent fights, and if you wind up in a fight with Joe Scarborough, you're going to lose.

I'm guessing that Chuck Todd and Mrs. Greenspan are running a close third and forth in that popularity contest. Which explains why MSNBC will continue to be just a slightly less sorry excuse for a "news" channel than Fox and CNN, despite the fact that they do have a few actual liberals that they allow on the air in the evenings. As long as Scarborough runs their world, they're going to continue to stink to high heaven.

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