Major General Vallely Wants Us To Help Israel Bomb Iran

Alan Colmes' weekly Versus segment featured the retired military man who opposes McCain and any peace with Iran.

There's obviously no shortage of unhinged lunatics on the right for Alan Colmes to do battle with in his weekly segment on FoxNews.com's Versus. This week, Retired Army Major General Paul Vallely provided a glimpse into the right-wing, warmonger psyche and just how chilling it would be to let these people command our military once again. Vallely is the Chairman of Stand Up America, a militant Tea Party-esque organization.

The former military man has been an active opponent to our own Commander-in-Chief, President Obama. In early 2014,

retired Army general and Fox News pundit Paul Vallely insisted that he doesn’t want to see a revolution take place…but if a revolution does happen then he will be happy to lead it.

Vallely reminisced about how he once discussed plans to “surround the White House and surround the Capitol building” with 250,000 marines, adding that “it’s going to take physical presence” to make elected officials heed their demands.

Alan asked the ex-military man if he supported John McCain in his conflict with Donald Trump, where the bloviating billionaire maligned McCain's military service. Vallely said that he thinks Trump could have been more diplomatic, but he dislikes the Arizona Senator far more.

'I'm not a fan of John McCain as Senator and I wasn't a fan when he ran for (national) office.'

Vallely said that McCain is arrogant and likes to be interviewed a little too much. (We all agree on that one!) He is not terribly effective at 'securing the border,' which is the general consensus of teaparty types like Vallely.

With regards to our newly reestablished diplomacy with Cuba, Vallely was surprisingly reasonable, and supported the President's actions. Alan asked,

'Isn't diplomacy preferable to the opposite of diplomacy?'

He's for the diplomacy with Cuba, but he's staunchly against the Iran Deal. He claims he's read the deal, but doesn't like it because Iran cannot be trusted. It doesn't matter that the status quo was ineffective, any deal with the Islamic Republic is a bad one.

Alan was pretty surprised he was so blatantly for engaging in a war with Iran, he asked him,

'Do you want Israel to take action?...You want Israel to bomb Iran?'

Vallely insists we must support the Israelis because they're an ally, and Iran is an known enemy. The past can never be repaired in his worldview, unless of course, it's Cuba. He's so much against diplomacy, he suggests we get Israel to start taking out the '75 most strategic targets' right away. Sounding almost like a paid spokesman of Sheldon Adelson and Bibi Netanyahu, Vallely claims that

(President) 'Obama, The State Department and (Secretary) Kerry are aiding and abetting an enemy of the United States which is a treasonous act under the Constitution.'

COLMES: 'Let me be clear, you don't want a diplomatic solution, you want a war?'

VALELLY: you won't get a diplomatic solution with Iran; it's not a reality if you understand the Iranians.

Alan tries to impose upon Mr. Vallely that the agreement is supposed to keep Iran in check, but like all vehemently anti-Obama-Americans, nothing the president can do will ever be deemed trustworthy.

Obviously a man willing to lead the military in a sort of coup d'état against a duly elected president cannot be reasoned with, about any matter. Obama Derangement Syndrome has no cure, only a replacement disorder which likely manifest itself as misogyny.

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