The Mormon Church Will Not Allow Gay Boy Scout Leaders
The LDS may discontinue their involvement in the Boy Scouts of America because of the policy change permitting gay scout leaders.
Not surprising, the religious institutions of America still have a huge problem with accepting LGBT people into leadership roles. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or the LDS Church is not known for its progressive positions in its brief historical timeline. You may already know that people of color (a.k.a. Black People) could not hold the priesthood until 1978 decree by President Carter that threatened the tax exempt status of BYU if they didn't change the policy. A little background on the 'faith,' lends some insight into their intolerant beginnings.
President Brigham Young said: 'Why are so many of the inhabitants of the earth cursed with a skin of blackness? It comes in consequence of their fathers rejecting the power of the holy priesthood, and the law of God. They will go down to death. And when all the rest of the children have received their blessings in the holy priesthood, then that curse will be removed from the seed of Cain, and they will then come up and possess the priesthood, and receive all the blessings which we now are entitled to.'
The leader at the time in 1978, Spencer W. Kimball, was blessed with a revelation that revoked that stance. Phew, just in the nick of time, this revelation saved the vast coffers of one of the Fortune 500 Corporations: The Mormon Church.
It shouldn't surprise anyone that this very same church will cast aspersions on the idea of allowing the Leaders of Boy Scout Troops to be gay. Here's the statement from the Church.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released the following statement today after a vote on a policy change by the Boy Scouts of America National Executive Board to admit openly gay leaders:
“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is deeply troubled by today’s vote by the Boy Scouts of America National Executive Board. In spite of a request to delay the vote, it was scheduled at a time in July when members of the Church’s governing councils are out of their offices and do not meet. When the leadership of the Church resumes its regular schedule of meetings in August, the century-long association with Scouting will need to be examined. The Church has always welcomed all boys to its Scouting units regardless of sexual orientation. However, the admission of openly gay leaders is inconsistent with the doctrines of the Church and what have traditionally been the values of the Boy Scouts of America.
Perhaps because people cling to the narrow-minded myth that gay people are always trying to convert others to their 'sinful ways,' we have this perverted bias that occurs in religious institutions. They are well within their right by making the aforementioned proclamation, but it looks equally awful to those of us who are more accepting and tolerant. They are free to ban any organization that compromises their religious tenets. Perhaps some day, we can threaten their tax-exempt status if this follows the typical 'slippery slope' that seems to go hand and hand with mandated discrimination of any kind.
It's very curious that the same faith that can accept Planet Kolob and the story of Elohim, cannot come to terms with the existence of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender people. The existence of LGBT is a reality, religious fantasy is not. If you're not familiar with the story behind the faith, this cartoon should explain it pretty clearly.
H/T to Ed Long for the tip.