O'Reilly Pushes Bogus ISIS Link To Chattanooga Shooting While Admitting It Might Not Be True

O'Reilly: “If ISIS is involved, even indirectly, all hell is gonna break loose in this country."

As John Amato already explained here, Fox "news" and wingnut Pamela Geller almost immediately tried tying the Chattanooga shooter to ISIS this Thursday, facts be damned, which should surprise no one, since anytime there's someone with a Muslim name involved in a shooting, they're going to ramp the fearmongering up to eleven.

And as Media Matters reported, they also had to start walking those claims back and did just that on Bret Baier's show, which airs a couple of hours before Bill O'Reilly comes on.

That didn't stop Bill-O from making it the subject of his Talking Points Memo at the start of the show, and even though he admitted there might be problems with the story and he did not know if the ISIS ties were true, he was going to use it as an excuse to attack President Obama anyway and to try to scare the hell out of the geriatric crowd that watches his show and unfortunately actually takes him seriously.

From Fox's blog: O'Reilly on Terror Attack: If ISIS Is Involved 'All Hell Is Gonna Break Loose' :

In his Talking Points Memo tonight, Bill O'Reilly reacted to the vicious terror attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

O'Reilly warned about the potential fallout if ISIS is found to be connected to what happened today.

“If ISIS is involved, even indirectly, all hell is gonna break loose in this country,” he stated. "For months, those savages have been encouraging people on the net to attack Americans."

"The Factor" host also blasted President Obama's ISIS strategy, stating that it has not been an "urgent campaign."

"I firmly believe that President Obama is making a major mistake in the tentative nature of his response to ISIS and I have said that many times," O'Reilly explained.

He added that he hopes Obama's strategy will change, because "ISIS is a direct threat to all Americans."

Here's the full quote on the ISIS tweet they omitted from their post:

O'REILLY: There is one sensational report tonight that I have to mention, even though it is not exactly clear whether it's accurate. Apparently a tweet from an ISIS-based source announced the terror action before it actually happened. Catherine Herridge is on that story and will join us shortly. If ISIS is involved, even indirectly, all hell is going to break loose in this country.

Here's more on how long it took him to finally acknowledge there might be a problem with the reporting:

UPDATE #2: On The O'Reilly Factor, this story was addressed at least three more times.

At the top of the Factor, O'Reilly reported the "sensational" ISIS tweet story, even after admitting it wasn't "exactly clear whether it's accurate."

Midway through the show, Catherine Herridge reappeared and admitted that "there are now some questions about the time stamp on one of the ISIS tweets earlier today." When O'Reilly pressed her on how she learned about the tweet, she said, "I first saw it this afternoon, it was part of the social media that was circulating."

At the end of the Factor, Special Report anchor Bret Baier clarified the timing of the tweet, saying that "all indications now are that it came out after the attack." When O'Reilly asked if that meant the ISIS tweet story was "a bogus situation," Baier replied, "yeah."

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