Rep. Kinzinger Uses Iran Presser As Excuse To Call President Obama Angry And Arrogant

Nothing like finding any excuse possible to call the President of the United States an angry, uppity black man.

I don't know how many people watched President Obama's entire press conference this Wednesday on the Iranian nuclear deal, but I caught most of it, and the impression I came away with, despite the fact that he was a little bit irritated with some of the questions he got from the press, is that he did a very good job explaining just why the attacks against his administration from Republicans, the Israelis and their supporters are wrong.

Fox of course immediately jumped on his exchange with CBS's Major Garrett, with Greta Van Susteren and their White House correspondent Ed Henry going straight after the president for seeming a bit "testy" with the reporters at the briefing immediately after it aired.

Van Susteren decided to let Rep. Adam Kinzinger pile on later in the day during her show, where he used the occasion to accuse President Obama of supposedly being "classless" and also called him angry and "arrogant." Nothing like finding any excuse possible to call the President of the United States an angry, uppity black man.

That and President Obama is exactly right when it comes to the objections we've heard from Kinzinger and his ilk. He admits he hasn't even read the agreement, but he doesn't like it and he had absolutely no alternatives to offer, other than to criticize the Obama administration.

He also decided to turn a deaf ear to the explanation given as to why the return of the four Americans being held in Iran were not part of the deal, as Fox ran a poll in the chryon under him on that very same topic, as though it matters what any of them think of that now.

Here's more from Fox's blog with the name calling from Kinzinger: Rep. Kinzinger: Obama Showed No Class at Iran Deal Press Conference:

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) reacted to President Obama's defense of the Iran nuclear deal, stating that the president showed no class today at his press conference.

"Truthfully it was one of the most classless press conferences I have ever seen by the president," Kinzinger stated. "I mean, he was offended all the time, he was angry."

He told Greta Van Susteren tonight that Americans have a legitimate concern about the Iranian nuclear agreement.

"I don't like the broad framework of it," he said. "It does nothing about Iranian behavior in the Middle East and in fact it gives them hundreds of billions of dollars of which to further destabilize the Middle East."

Kinzinger also questioned why Obama didn't include the four Americans who are being held in Iran as part of the agreement.

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