Trump Bashes Secretary Kerry For Breaking His Leg
Just a small, obnoxious tidbit from his interminable interview on Fox and Friends.
Steve Doocy set up Donald Trump for the kill with this comment:
Donald Trump is like a Navy Seal: he never backs down from a fight.
Just what the bloviating billionaire bully needs, his ego stroked a little by the 'great people' at Fox and Friends. Even after the head honchos at Fox News suggested the network pay a little less attention to Donald, Roger Ailes seems to be enjoying his defiance toward them as he was on, uninterrupted, longer than the other two GOP Candidates du jour combined.
The topic was the Iran deal and of course, the remiss of our negotiators to fail to release four American prisoners held in Iranian jails currently. Donald Trump would have sent the right negotiator, hell he would have done the deal himself. He wrote The Art Of The Deal, in case you didn't know.
One of the most obnoxious comments in the interview (click here for the full interview) came, however, when he commented on the Secretary of State's accident in France where he broke his leg on May 31. Trump, getting Kerry's age wrong (71), said,
'and if you had the right messenger, like if I did it, or if I picked somebody that did it that knew about negotiations, not somebody that goes into a bicycle race and breaks his leg at 73 years old, we would have gotten the prisoners back a long time ago.'
It's a popular thing for Republicans to bash exercising, so Brian Kilmeade giggled when Trump maligned John Kerry for hurting himself. How low can Trump sink? I don't think we've seen the depths yet.