Walker Would Reinstate The Patriot Act
Walker: Guns don't kill people, constitutional rights kill people
Scott Walker appeared on the Kelly Files to discuss the mass shooting in Chattanooga. Even though they have no proof, both of these clowns (they are clowns, right? They're both wearing clown make up!) immediately blamed Islam extremists and Benghazi!
Walker's solution to prevent further tragedies like this was not to limit the insanely access to guns for just about anyone (he's got a NRA rating of A+ to protect, y'know!).
No, Walker wants to reinstate the Patriot Act because it's too much privacy and too many constitutional rights, especially for them brown-skinned furreners, that is the root of the problem. I mean, how can right wing xenophobes do a proper job of racial profiling without the proper tools and resources?!
Walker has been using the Patriot Act as a talking point, even though he doesn't believe that the citizenry should be able to know what he is doing.
What I find particularly telling and disturbing is when Walker made this comment:
"Our primary responsibility at the federal government level shouldn't be in all these other programs and services we provide. It should be to protect our national security interests, to keep us safe and sound here in America and, if necessary, around the world."
In other words, Walker is saying that we should things like Social Security, Obamacare and other social safety nets in order to pay for wars in Iran an for a true Big Brother style of government, even more so than what we have now.
And if anyone should know about how to take on these radical Islam terrorists, it's Walker. After all, he took on all those evil, radical protesters: