Warned About Alligators, Man Yells 'F*ck The Alligators!' Guess What?

Alligators had been spotted around the marina previously, with plenty of notices being placed around to warn people not to get too close to the water.

Sometimes you just have to say, "Fuck the alligators" and jump in, amirite?

Tragedy struck in Texas when one man lost his life after being killed by an alligator after jumping into a lake.

The man in question, 28 year old Tommie Woodward, mocked warning signs cautioning against getting in the water because of the alligator before jumping in and meeting a grisly end.

Alligators had been spotted around the marina previously, with plenty of notices being placed around to warn people not to get too close to the water, let alone jump in and go swimming.

Woodward and an unidentified woman decided to ignore said warnings and get in the water, and while Woodward was tragically killed by the animal, the woman was thankfully unharmed.

He's the first person to be killed by an alligator in Texas since 1836. So at least he set a record.

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