Alex Jones To Clinton: 'Why Can't I Have A Gun To Protect Myself, You Bitch?'
"It's time to hit these people!"
He also called her "a political whore for the New World Order" and "a monster." And it's a handy reminder of why making even a mild criticism of gun violence attracts a shit ton of crazy. Via Right Wing Watch:
Right-wing pundit Alex Jones is not happy about Hillary Clinton’s call to combat gun violence following the fatal shooting of a Virginia journalist and cameraman during a live interview, calling her a “bitch” on his “InfoWars” program yesterday.
After repeatedly calling Clinton a “witch,” he finally broke down: “Hey Hillary, you got bodyguards. Are their guns bad too? Why can’t I have a gun to protect myself, you bitch?”
Jones also claimed that the shooter was inspired by the Obama administration, which he said has been “pushing race war and now blaming the Second Amendment.”
Yes, the day after a man gunned down three people on live TV, driven by his own paranoia, Alex Jones decides the real American thing to do is fan the flames of paranoia even higher.
Fuck this guy. And fuck anyone who spreads his poison.