Another Dem Breaks With Obama On Iran Nuclear Deal

Sen. Robert Menendez (D. NJ) will oppose Iran Nuclear Deal.

Senator Bob Menendez (D. NJ) is joining his fellow Democratic turncoat, Senator Chuck Schumer (D. NY) in breaking with Obama on supporting the Iran Nuclear Deal:

"This is one of the most serious national security, nuclear nonproliferation, arms control issues of our time," Senator Menendez says, rejecting a proposed nuclear deal with Iran.

For more coverage on the Iran Nuclear Deal, please do Subscribe to Opposing Views YouTube channel. Here's the full script:

U.S. Senator Robert Menendez says, Tuesday (August 18) he is opposing the proposed nuclear deal with Iran, which would place new limits on Iran's nuclear program while lifting economic sanctions on the country.

"The issue before the Congress in September is whether to vote to approve or disapprove the agreement struck by the President and our P5+1 partners with Iran. This is one of the most serious national security, nuclear nonproliferation, arms control issues of our time. It is not an issue of supporting or opposing the President. This issue is much greater and graver than that," Menendez said.

Speaking at Seton Hall University's School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Menendez offered ideas to amend the deal.

"We can provide specific parameters for the Administration to guide their continued negotiations and ensure that a new agreement does not run afoul of Congress. A continuation of talks would allow the re-consideration of just a few, but a critical few issues, including: First, the immediate ratification by Iran of the Additional Protocol to ensure that we have a permanent international arrangement with Iran for access to suspect sites," he said.

"Third, close the Fordow enrichment facility. The sole purpose of Fordow was to harden Iran's nuclear program to a military attack. We need to close the facility and foreclose Iran's future ability to use this facility. If Iran has nothing to hide they shouldn't need to put it under a mountain."

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