Bill O’Reilly Announces He Will Put #BlackLivesMatter ‘Out Of Business’

Bill O’Reilly’s hatred for #BlackLivesMatter has finally gotten the better of him.

Bill O’Reilly’s hatred for #BlackLivesMatter has finally gotten the better of him.

O’Reilly has hated #BlackLivesMatter protesters ever since George Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin. Now, echoing Fox’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck, O’Reilly has declared them a hate group.

Both of Bill O’Reilly’s two guests, liberal Juan Williams and conservative Mary Katharine Ham, told him that #BlackLivesMatter is not a hate group. But, of course, O’Reilly knows better. And that, apparently, is all the justification he needs to “put them out of business.”

O’REILLY: I think they’re a hate group and I’m going to tell you right now, I’m gonna put them out of business and any media person who supports them? I’m gonna put them on this program and put their picture right on the air.

O’Reilly didn’t say how he plans to put #BlackLivesMatter “out of business. And I hate to burst his balloon of self-importance but #BlackLivesMatter is an amorphous group that isn’t “in business.” As Daily Beast explains, “'Black Lives Matter' is an umbrella term for a decentralized network of everything from blogs to in-person meet-ups—like movie nights or lectures—to protests to Facebook pages.”

O’Reilly explained his decree that the group is a hate group: “If you call for (someone’s) demise, that’s hatred.”

Oh, really?

Putting aside O’Reilly’s own over-the-top rhetoric about abortion provider Dr. George Tiller, whom O’Reilly repeatedly described as “Dr. Tiller, the baby killer,” and who was later assassinated, O’Reilly’s own FoxNews.com regularly calls for, as O’Reilly put it, demises:

So maybe Bill O’Reilly should clean up his own house before he gets on his high horse about #BlackLivesMatter.

Watch O’Reilly’s threat, above, from the August 31 The O’Reilly Factor.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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