Carly Fiorina Jabs At Trump: 'Heroism Is Modesty And Humility'
Carly also lies about her time at HP this morning on Fox and Friends.
Today's conversation with Steve Doocy on the Fox and Friends consisted of three parts: first we discuss the stock market situation with China and U.S. markets fluctuating wildly, next we speak of the three Americans who saved a train from a certain massacre in France, then finally, it's time to lie about Fiorina's record at HP and Clinton's honesty 'problem.'
Carly Fiorina is asked her professional opinion about the market. Like anyone with the sense god gave a flea, she realizes the market was due for an inevitable correction. She said that the Federal Reserve looks like it's going to back off that 'easy money policy.' This is warranted, honestly, with a lackluster economy due to that Obama guy.
Let's discount what President Obama was handed by Bush, because the GOP's memory has two distinct periods: Reagan, and the tough time of the Obama Administration, even though he's done some amazing things, they will never acknowledge the facts. All times other than these are not significant.
The three heroic American military men who saved the day on a Northern French train were the next topic. Trying to make some headway into the Trump domination, Carly took the opportunity to, indirectly, bash the style of Donald Trump's braggadocio by complimenting the much different style of the three heroes. Carly said,
'I do think that part of heroism and leadership is modesty and humility and they demonstrated that, they're the best America has to offer.'
The final question was the potential for a female vs. female presidential run and Carly took this opportunity to mention the Benghazi hoax and the email non-scandal. Then she touted her record at HP. Many heralded her firing, with a hefty golden parachute as good riddance. She has also convicted Hillary of lying about Benghazi and the Email thingy. She has no evidence, but she's confident nonetheless. That seems to be a trait of Republicans: a weirdly high sense of self-esteem based on nothing but failure.