David Brooks: GOP Is Not In A Governing Mode, It's In A Protest Mode
Now David Brooks is concerned about the inmates taking over the asylum.
While discussing the Republican debate on Fox last week and the GOP's Donald Trump problem, and predicting that Trump is not going to continue to rise in the polls on this Sunday's Meet the Press -- which had host Chuck Todd asking if it was just wishful thinking on the part of Hugh Hewitt -- the audience was treated to this bit of infinite "wisdom" from professional Republican turd polisher David Brooks.
BROOKS: I think the bigger problem is that if you look at who's benefited from this debate, it was all the protest candidates. It was Carson, Cruz and Trump. You look at the governors, they all suffered from this debate.
So the party is not in a governing mode, it's in a protest mode, and that mode I think is a somewhat dangerous mode.
So now David Brooks is concerned about his party and whether they care about governing or not? Never mind the complete obstruction we've seen for the last six or seven years since Barack Obama was elected as president. Never mind that they've been catering to far-right religious zealots for decades on end and are more than happy to keep them pumped up and angry over wedge issues if it means upping their numbers at the voting booths.
Never mind that they've been happy to hold our economy hostage or shut down the government to get their way, or threaten to do that over legislation that their party used to support, like the Affordable Care Act which came straight out of the Heritage Foundation and Mitt Romney's health care plan. Never mind all these nuts at the town halls these AstroTurf groups bused in, threatening legislators and screaming at them over the health care law. Never mind the open-carry gun nuts they've been sucking up to for decades as well.
And never mind Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Fox "news," right-wing hate talk and an entire industry that feeds day in and day out on feigned outrage, right-wing victimhood and keeping the lemmings that believe the lies they tell hour after hour worked into a frenzy. Never mind them pumping their viewers and listeners full of anger towards their fellow members of the working class, who they should otherwise be allied with if they weren't being propagandized by these hate merchants.
No, now David Brooks is worried that their "protest mode" might be dangerous... now that Donald Trump is shining a huge giant spotlight on it instead of allowing these candidates to gloss over their extremism. I guess this is why they pay him the big bucks folks.