Donald Trump Taunts Roger Ailes: ‘Ask Him Who Won’
It doesn’t look like the Donald Trump/Fox News heavyweight fight for Republican domination is over yet.
It doesn’t look like the Donald Trump/Fox News heavyweight fight for Republican domination is over yet.
Yesterday, I wrote about Fox’s surprisingly vicious attack on Trump after he took credit for Megyn Kelly’s 10-day vacation. Kelly’s unusually long vacation announcement was made less than a week after her tough confrontation with Trump during Fox’s Republican primary debate – and, of course, following a series of sexist attacks made by Trump on her.
That was Friday.
Yesterday, at the Iowa state fair, Trump boasted about besting Ailes. When asked by a reporter if he had made any mistakes “so far,” Trump said, “I don’t think I’ve made mistakes. I mean, every time somebody says I made a mistake, they do the polls and my numbers go up. So I guess I haven’t made any mistakes.”
Trump cited his comments about Mexico and John McCain as supposed mistakes that didn’t hurt him. Then he got to his war with Fox News.
TRUMP: And this last thing with Fox. I mean, I love Roger Ailes but all you have to do is ask Roger Ailes who won. So I don’t think I’ve made any mistakes. I am sure I will at some point, but so far you would have to say, has it worked out badly, right?
Watch Trump taunt Ailes below, during his August 15th appearance at the fair.
And keep that popcorn going!
(H/T Mediaite)
(crossposted at