Former Walker Aide Gets Slammed In Her Own Lawsuit

Cindy Archer reminds people of Walker's corruption and illegal politicking

Leading into the week of the first GOP presidential debate, Scott Walker had a visit from an old friend he hoped to never see again - John Doe.

At the beginning of July, Walker's long time aide and right hand woman, Cindy Archer, filed a frivolous lawsuit against the Milwaukee County District Attorney, claiming her rights were being violated by being investigated for the illegal politicking she took part of during Walker's stint as Milwaukee County Executive.

Archer claimed in her lawsuit that she was the victim of District Attorney John Chisholm's alleged vendetta against Walker for his passage of Act 10, which stripped public sector workers of their rights and pay. She also claimed that the investigation had cost her a high level job in the Walker administration.

The lawsuit and Archer's claims are ridiculous. For one thing, the lawsuit started long before Walker was even elected much less dropped is fiscal bomb on the state. Secondly, the emails released from the investigation showed that Archer's hands were as dirty as anyone's. The most notable one is where she welcomed fellow Walker aide, Kelly Rindfleisch, to the secret email system and to Walker's "inner circle."

On Friday, the investigators from the DA's office filed their response to the lawsuit, much to Archer's and Walker's chagrin.

In their response, they point out that Archer was indeed under criminal investigation for illegal politicking and for trying to arrange a sweetheart deal where the county would rent some property being represented by John Hiller, Walker's then campaign treasurer. That pretty much wipes out Archer's claims of innocence. Just because she wasn't charged doesn't mean she didn't do it.

Archer's claims that the investigation caused her to lose her job might have a twisted sense of merit to it. Her being a target of the investigation probably didn't cost her high level position, per se. It was more likely that it was that she was trying to strike a deal with the DA's office to rat Walker and her fellow henchmen out.

Walker is probably starting to drink Pepto Bismol by the gallon by now. Not only is he down in the polls, but to have people reminded of his corruption leading into the first GOP presidential debate will make him ripe as a target.

On top of all that, as well know, when it comes to all things Walker, there's more. There's always more.

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