Fox Gets The Vapors Over Hillary Clinton’s ‘Boxcar,’ But Trump's Rhetoric Gets A Pass
While Fox News slobbers over Donald Trump’s slurs as “taking on” political correctness, it’s a whole different story when Hillary Clinton questions Trump’s plan to deport millions of immigrants by suggesting he’d round them up in box cars.
While Fox News slobbers over Donald Trump’s slurs as “taking on” political correctness, it’s a whole different story when Hillary Clinton questions Trump’s plan to deport millions of immigrants by suggesting he’d round them up in box cars.
In a Fox News “immigration” special that seemed designed to warm Trump’s heart, host Shannon Bream led off with “a closer look at one of the most controversial proposals, Donald Trump’s suggestion that as president he would seek to force all illegal immigrants living in the U.S. to leave.”
But before that, Bream used Trump’s proposal as a fig leaf to bash Hillary Clinton. Bream continued, “Critics have pounced on the proposal today. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton evoked one of the most terrifying and despicable images of the Holocaust to go after Republicans on this very issue.”
Bream played a clip.
CLINTON: I find it the height of irony that a party which espouses small government would want to unleash a massive law-enforcement effort, including, perhaps, National Guard and others, to go and literally pull people out of their homes and their workplaces, round them up, put them—I don’t know—in buses, boxcars, in order to take them across our border. I just find that not only absurd but appalling.
The sole guest for this segment was Marc Thiessen, a former George W. Bush speechwriter who showed nothing but love for Trump and hate for Clinton.
Bream started with a loaded question that ignored Clinton’s point – but which nicely set up an attack on her: “Maybe I missed it,” Bream said sarcastically, “Which candidate has proposed using National Guardsmen to go in and drag and put them in quote, boxcars, to get them out of the country?”
“Not a single one,” Thiessen said self-righteously.
Well, of course they didn’t and Clinton never said they had. Her point, as both Bream and Thiessen were surely intelligent enough to know, was that the proposal to rid the country of people here illegally would “unleash a massive law-enforcement effort” that would involve rounding them up and shipping them off in some kind of mass exodus. It’s the same point Bill O’Reilly made to Donald Trump, on Fox News, on August 18:
O’REILLY: Do you envision federal police kicking in the doors in barrios around the country, dragging families out and putting them on a bus? Do you envision that?
Both Bream and Thiessen neatly ignored O'Reilly while fixating on Clinton. In fact, they didn’t even discuss how anybody would go about deporting all those people. Instead, Thiessen went on to attack Clinton’s rhetoric. Plus, Thiessen went on to bring up Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban boy whose mother died while the two of them fled Cuba and whom Bill Clinton forcibly wrested from his unyielding American relatives in Florida in order to reunite him with his father.
Of course, we saw photos of the feds seizing the frightened – with no mention, as O’Reilly made, that Trump, et al. are proposing Gonzalez times millions.
“How worried do you think she should be about some of this terminology she’s using?” Bream “wondered.” Which just happened to open the door for new attacks on Clinton: “This is rhetoric that is unfit for presidential campaign” and “She is using the most heinous language you could possibly have in a presidential campaign. It’s appalling,” Thiessen scolded
Really? This is worse than Trump making a rash of personal attacks on a debate moderator because he didn’t like the question she asked him? Worse than attacking Senator John McCain’s service record as a POW? Worse than giving out the cell phone number of rival Senator Lindsey Graham? If Bream noticed the double standard, she didn't mention it.
Finally, at 5:40 into the 8:26 segment, Bream got around to talking about the subject of mass deportation. She noted that Trump, although he did not give specifics, suggested that’s what he plans before letting the “good ones” back in.
But in talking up Trump’s proposal, which Thiessen claimed was similar to one a few Democrats and the New York Times once endorsed, now blatantly suggested that Trump’s rhetoric doesn’t count.
THIESSEN: People are very focused on his rhetoric, which is heated. …Mrs. Clinton are those Democrats Nazis? Because that’s what you’re saying about them. …Trump, his rhetoric is much more heated than what he’s actually proposing. He keeps saying, “I’ve got a big heart.” And what he’s talking about really is… a form of amnesty except you have to go out of the country in order to get it.
Bream didn’t note that double standard either.
Watch it above, from the August 28 The Kelly File.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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