Fox Guest: Don’t Blame Guns For WDBJ Murders, Blame Race And Planned Parenthood!
Dana Loesch rides again!
Fox News made sure that a stricken father’s vow to do “whatever it takes” to get gun legislation passed was overpowered by a pro gun message. But pro-gun guest Dana Loesch took it the extra mile with a little race baiting and suggesting Planned Parenthood was more responsible for the shooting deaths of a WDBJ reporter and cameraman than guns.
In an unusual departure from Fox News orthodoxy, the father of WDBJ reporter Alison Parker, who had been shot and killed on the air earlier that day, made an emotional pledge on The Kelly File to do “whatever it takes” to get gun legislation passed.
Host Megyn Kelly followed up with gun-fanatic Dana Loesch for two segments designed to rinse away any viewers’ impression that fewer guns on the loose might mean fewer deaths.
In the segment below, the second of the two discussions, Loesch got almost all the time to talk. Kelly’s first question, to Loesch, cast doubt on the value of father Andy Parker's mission. “If he (the shooter) passed a background check, what laws could be tightened to prevent somebody like this from getting a gun?” Kelly asked.
“Exactly,” Loesch said. “The problem, Megyn, that we see each and every single time is that you have an abundance of laws and you have people, including state and local officials, who do not follow those laws.”
That was a nice dodge from the fact that the shooter got his gun legally. Also, people break traffic laws all the time but I haven’t heard Loesch or anyone else use that as an argument that they’re ineffective or should be abolished.
Instead, Loesch went on to suggest that black racism was the real cause of the murder.
LOESCH: And I want to bring up something really quickly as well. Everyone’s focusing on the gun. Can we also bring up the fact that this was a racially charged, racially motivated crime by somebody who had a grievance? And I think that there is all too often a focus on the tool instead of the hate in someone’s heart.
Kelly asked the other guest, Democrat Bill Burton, “You can take away the weapon but shouldn’t we be focusing on taking away the will to murder?”
Which is ironic, coming from a network that actively works to gin up and cheer on hatred and divisiveness 24/7.
“The answer can’t be do nothing,” Burton said.
“We don’t have a gun problem, we have a criminal problem,” Loesch insisted. Because Planned Parenthood!
LOESCH: We have a society that thinks it’s completely permissible to shirk responsibility. We have people who have no problem with what Planned Parenthood does in terms of fetal parts harvesting. We don’t teach a respect for life. We glorify violence in movie, music, film and books. This is what our society is. This is Frankenstein’s monster. This is what society has created. It is a reflection of us.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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