Fox Pundits Whine Over Clinton's Jab That Republicans Would Raise Retirement Age To 80
Break out the violins. Hillary is picking on those poor Republicans again.
Break out the waaaambulance! The talking heads on Fox's Cavuto on Business are very upset with Hillary Clinton for this post she made this Friday on Facebook:
Today is Social Security's 80th birthday. Congrats on reaching what some Republicans think should be the retirement age. –H
Which of course led to the yakkers on Faux "news" attacking both Clinton and Social Security.
CAVUTO: Scott, what do you make of that?
MARTIN: I guess I forgot the balloons Hillary. I'm sorry about that one and look, Social Security is in a lot of trouble. We're running on what? About twenty years left of her or him, because, it's easy. This is frankly a very easy math problem. We are taking... putting out more than we're taking in and that's not going to work long term. Sure we need to change it. Yes the politicians need to address it, but guess what? Nobody wants to talk about it, but just whistle by the graveyard and say hey (crosstalk)
CAVUTO: Well, that's what the little snide comment of 80 being what the Republicans hope to be the retirement age. In other words, that's her not so coded reference to don't touch it, leave it alone.
PAYNE: Yeah, it's a political third rail and she definitely doesn't have the guts to touch it, but the fact of the matter is...
CAVUTO: By the way, few Republicans too.
PAYNE: Too few too. You're right, but Christie came out with a plan I thought was actually overreaching to be quite frank. Listen, when this thing started, it was a scam because men didn't even live to be sixty or so, let alone sixty five on average. But, to Scott's point, it's going to run out of money son. Next year the disability one runs out of money because, guess what? The surge of people who claim disability because of mood problems. Just letting you know.
PAVLICH: Where do I sign up for that?
After more opining about how terribly Clinton was treating the Republicans and heaping praise on Republicans for wanting to "fix" the shortfall in the trust fund by raising the retirement age, and with Katie Pavlich pushing the false narrative that people are going to pay into Social Security and never get any of their money back, Cavuto turned to one of their regular faux "liberals" on the panel, Adam Lashinsky.
CAVUTO: What I worry about Adam. In this environment, nothing gets done. What do you think?
LASHINSKY: Nothing gets done. This is a third rail political issue. There are some Republicans who just want to gut Social Security, period.
Which was immediately met by moans and groans from his fellow members on the panel insisting that Republicans, or themselves for that matter, don't really want to "gut" Social Security, and with Lashinsky conceding to them that he also thinks we should be raising the retirement age (shock of shocks... not).
Of course the big elephant in the room they failed to address is that you can solve the shortfall tomorrow by raising the cap, rather than asking people to either work until they drop dead or take a bigger cut in their benefits than they're going to already if they need to retire early, and the fact that Clinton just said she's open to doing exactly that.
These clowns would much rather fearmonger that the Social Security trust fund is going to be broke unless all of us want to work until we drop dead, and if you're working a job that entails physical labor, well, too bad so sad for you, and mock Clinton for a joke that drives home that exact point.