Fox's Gentry: Black Lives Matter Need To Clean Up Their Community

Jonathan Gentry, Fox News Minister and Uncle Ruckus, thinks the Black Lives Matter Movement is shirking their own community responsibility.

Yep, it's time for another installment of self-loathing. This time, we get a double dose with Fox 'News' resident Uncle Ruckus, Charles Payne and returning champion, Minister Jonathan Gentry who are both appalled at the Black Lives Matter movement.

Payne gleefully plays a clip where Scott Walker thinks that the Black Lives Matter movement is not specific, it's akin to the Teaparty. No need to make distinctions, because everyone is a 'voter.' They couldn't agree more, the BLM movement is unnecessary, because all lives matter, nevermind that black lives are far more at risk. These two clowns don't think so because the powers that be in Roger Ailes' world, want everyone to de-legitimize the whole movement.

Fox News' Insider reports:

Gentry said that every presidential candidate should challenge the Black Lives Matter movement. He said that 2016 contenders should ask the group, “Why are you not cleaning up your own community if black lives matter?”

The minister asked: Where was Black Lives Matter in Chicago, in Baltimore and in Ferguson when 9-year-old Jamyla Bolden was shot to death in her own home?

He charged Black Lives Matter with wanting to “protest for thugs,” but said the group is “nowhere to be found in their own communities.”

In case you forgot, abortion is the biggest problem to ever hit black communities, so Gentry went off on that issue. The minister said the abortion rate in the black community is 'ridiculous' and he wishes the candidates would ask him about this 'problem.' Gentry, as expected, voiced his support for Donald Trump who could handle anything the BLM movement throws at him, because he is universally loved, at least for now.

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