Fox's Greg Gutfeld: 'Hillary Might Not Even Be A Human Being'
The Greg Gutfeld Show showcases the collective ignorance and hate of Republicans.
Saturday night at 10 PM, Greg Gutfeld, Fox's version of a comedian hosts a show where he discusses current events and media personalities. This week's segment was called 'Pandermonium,' where Gutfeld and his gang of Libertarian hacks make fun of the Democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton. The subject was a recent appearance in South Carolina where she seemed to revive her Southern accent and for that, she must endure the wrath of these hateful people.
The clip featured Hillary stating that the purpose of her Presidential campaign is not to win a third term for Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, but, she says, 'I'm running for my first term.' Greg Gutfeld, in a very acerbic tone, said,
"That was about as real as Joe Biden's hair. Kennedy, isn't this the purest evidence that she's a full-on FAKE? She might not even be a human being."
The hatred in his voice is a direct reflection of the animosity for the Clintons felt by Uncle Rupert and Roger Ailes.
Conservative comedian 'Kennedy' compared her to an episode of The Dukes of Hazzard because of her accent. I'm not sure if these people know that she was the First Lady of Arkansas for well over 10 years; no matter, it wouldn't give them an ounce of understanding as they are incapable of remembering history in any capacity. Then Gutfeld tosses to National Review's Katherine Timpf.
He asks Timpf if it was possible that Hillary Clinton suffers from a Sybil-like disorder and maybe that this was just her 'Southern Personality.' Timpf replies that first off, she's too young to remember the book/movie, but she is aware of the 'cultural reference.' Then she adds that she is 'creeped out' by Hillary's eyes and also questions her humanity. She explains that Hillary should be herself, but then Greg adds,
'before you can be yourself, you have to have a self.'
This is how these hideous satirists refer to a former Secretary of State, one who never falsified evidence to lie us into a war. This crew makes Donald Trump seem classy and reserved.
Gutfeld asks 'comedian' Dave Smith what he thinks about his comparison to her with cotton candy, which is only tolerable for two bites or so, then it becomes unbearable. Isn't that just clever? Thankfully, we get a brief respite from the awful humor with John Devore, who writes for Conan O'Brien.
The host asks John, 'she's a weak candidate, right?' Devore replies,
'she'll be a weak candidate up until she wins the Presidency.'
As far as the Southern accent is concerned, Devore reminds the cackling crew that the fake Southern accent did very well for George W. Bush. Gutfeld asks how is it fake if he's from Texas? Devore reminds the clueless Gutfeld that he was a New England-educated blue blood and Gutfeld says,
Amazing, that he never knew the background of a man that drove this country into despair for eight full years. But if we are talking about Hillary it's a totally different story. She can't resume a colloquial accent without being labeled inhuman.
Lastly, we hear from the very angry Joanne Nosuchinsky, former beauty pageant contestant with no business commenting on someone of Hillary's status. Joanne was apoplectic over the fact that Clinton was drinking lemonade when
'from her emails, we know that she prefers iced tea! Why is everyone ignoring the point of the video?'
Why are we ignoring her choice of beverages? I think we have bigger issues than the trivial garbage this group seems to obsess over. When the right wing clown car is suggesting the military intervene between a woman and her right to choose to terminate a pregnancy, I'd say the drink choices of any candidate is the least of our concerns. What an awful show!