Harold Ford Junior Denies Labeling Trump A 'Mockery'
Harold Ford Jr. falsely claims he has always taken Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign seriously.
On July 20, 2015 Harold Ford Junior weighed in on the controversy of Donald Trump's offensive comments about John McCain's POW status. He said,
'... I think Donald Trump is making a mockery in perhaps the most important exercise in American politics, that being a run for the president.'
Later in the segment, Ford rolled over and played dead for Joe Scarborough who accused Al Franken of being equally derisive of McCain's war record when he, as a comedian, made a joke in 2000 about McCain's POW status. Of course, Scarborough was off by eight whole years, but, not realizing this (or too afraid to challenge Joe Scar), Harold Ford Junior said, 'fair enough, I gotchu.' Not acknowledging reality, Scarborough pounced on what Franken said, not when he said it, and Ford Jr. just took the abuse and put his tail between his legs.
Harold also got a dig into Iran that day, by labeling the nation as one of the biggest problems of the day. It was a foreboding of his ambivalence over the Iran Deal.
The subject of today's dialogue was Sam Stein's decision to put Donald Trump in the Huffington Post under the Entertainment Section. When Mika explained that both Sam Stein and Harold Ford Junior have, in the past, not taken Donald Trump seriously enough, Ford Jr. said,
'I never said it, I never was one to discount him.'
But Harold forgot about the time everyone was jumping on the McCain POW bandwagon and largely calling for Trump to resign his campaign.
Throughout the segment this morning, Harold Ford Junior praised Trump to the hilt, with his populist commentary that often offends. But Ford thinks it is what the people want to hear, and what the people wish they could say. People seem to look past his offensive comments on immigration and women because he is saying other things they like.
So, contrary to what Harold Ford Jr thought previously, Trump can't be offensive enough for supporters to drop him like a hot potato. He's in it for the long haul, Scarborough proclaimed, so it was only a matter of time that Ford would fall in line and adopt the thinking of his Morning Joe idol.