Jeb Bush Is Totally Down For Using Torture Just Like His Brother
Bush won't rule out using torture to "keep America safe".
Not that this is very surprising but the Bush doesn't fall far from the tree:
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said on Thursday (August 13) that he doesn't want to make, "a definitive, blanket type of statement," when it comes to the use of torture.
Bush made his comments at a campaign stop in Iowa. But while he wouldn't rule out the use of torture, he said he did agree with President Obama's Executive Order to end torture of detainees held in U.S. custody.
"I do think in general that torture is not appropriate. It's not as effective and the change of policy that my brother did and then was put into executive order form by the President was the proper thing to do," Bush said.
"I'm not going to go through the possible scenarios, at the moment, if it was a life or death question of protecting the United States of America and protecting it's citizens - I think one of the most important duties, if not the most important duty of a president is to keep us safe," Bush added.