Kevin Jackson Praises Racist Comments By Donald Trump

One of the resident Uncle Ruckuses on Fox "News" thinks African-Americans will support Donald Trump

Every time Kevin Jackson appears on Fox "News," he seems to act more racist against African-Americans. This time, Jackson heaped praise on Donald Trump's recent comment that

President Obama has done nothing for African-Americans...I thought he'd do a fabulous job for the African-American citizens of this country, he has done nothing. They are worse now than just about ever.

Jackson says that Trump is running for political office as a business person, not a politician. It's pretty strange that he sees Donald Trump as apolitical. Sorry Kevin, if a man is running for president, his status is now politician, no matter what he claims.

Regarding Trump's proclamation that he's done NOTHING for black people, Jackson said, 'He nailed it.' He says that black neighborhoods and schools are 'pathetic.' He agrees with the frontrunner of all the GOP Presidential Candidates that the thrice married tycoon would resonate in the black community. Jackson said that If Obama were white, he'd be ridiculed by the black community. If he were a white Democrat, there would be a lot more black people scolding him. As it stands now, he's coddled by the 'black community.' There is absolutely no evidence out there that African-American voters would ever support this man, so Kevin is talking out of his posterior as he always does.

Does he really think he's helping the plight of the Black community by denigrating black neighborhoods, schools and people? The author of Race Pimping claims to be an advocate of that very same community, which is very suspicious given his website's origin.

Credit: The Blacksphere Homepage
Bible Verse on the home page

The Blacksphere is a subsidiary of a vehemently racist organization, The Liberty Alliance. With headlines like Riots, Welfare, Racism, and Rampage: Obama's Legacy of Hopelessness, they gin up hysteria over all things liberal, Obama and left.

To actually claim that a GOP think-tank has the best interests of African-Americans at heart is incredibly disingenuous.

Kevin Jackson has never accepted the reality of the institutionalized racism that exists, and he denies it by siding with all the GOP talking points espoused at Fox "News." This unpatriotic race-traitor should never appear on any form of media without the disclaimer that he is an Uncle Ruckus who would sell out his own race for financial gain. Each time he appears, his disdain for the Democratic Black majority seems to escalate. His delusional point of view becomes more deranged. Maybe Kevin is itching for a career as a Fox "News" host of some sort?

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