Lindsey Graham Turns War On Women Question Into Excuse To Beat The War Drums On ISIS

Leave it to Sen. Lindsey Graham to take a question about abortion and Planned Parenthood and turn it into an excuse to beat the drums for more war.

Leave it to Sen. Lindsey Graham to take a question about abortion and Planned Parenthood and the Republican party being accused of waging a "war on women" and turn it into an excuse to beat the drums for more war. That's exactly what the audience was treated to during the JV Fox "news" debate this Thursday.

Lindsey Graham’s Answer on Abortion: Come with Me to the Middle East:

The only way we’re going to defund Planned Parenthood is have a pro-life president,” Graham began. “You want to see a war on women? come with me to Iraq and Afghanistan, folks. I’ll show you what they do to women.”

From there, Graham continued to not talk about abortion in favor of reminding everyone of his characteristic hawkishness.

“I cannot tell you how much our nation is threatened and how we need a commander in chief who understands the threats to this nation,” Graham said. “If you’re running for president of the United States and you do not understand that we cannot defend this nation without more of our soldiers over there, you’re not ready for this job.”

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