Lindsey Graham Uses Thwarted Terrorist Attack To Proclaim 'The Whole World Is A Battlefield'

Lindsey Graham continues to use any excuse he can find to keep the United States engaged in endless war.

Leave it to warmongering 2016 GOP presidential contender Lindsey Graham to find a way to turn the thwarted terrorist attack by U.S. soldiers in on a train France this week as an excuse to call for the United States to be engaged in perpetual war.

That's exactly what he did on this Sunday's Fox & Friends when host Tucker Carlson asked him what lesson there was to be learned about our immigration policy from the incident: Presidential Candidate Doubles Down On Starting Multiple Wars Because ‘Radical Islam Is Everywhere’:

In response, Graham said, “[It’s] not so much about immigration policy as that terrorism is on the rise. Western passport holders that go to Syria and come back to Europe and eventually the United States to attack us. So what I would do as president is I would hit them in Syria. If this war goes on much longer in Syria, it’s going to be a perfect platform to hit us here at home. These people with Western passports can go to Europe and eventually go to America.”

“I hope they will be eligible for a purple heart,” he said, referring to the three Americans, one of whom suffered non-life-threatening injuries. One of the Americans serves in the Air Force and another is a National Guardsman. The third is a California college student.

But then Graham quickly pivoted to his long-running strategy of pushing America to pursue wars on multiple fronts. “Here is my theory, Tucker: The whole world is a battlefield. Radical islam is everywhere. It’s not about Iraq or Afghanistan. I hope we will recognize that the battlefield is the entire world, even on a train in France.”

“Radical Islam is the enemy of mankind, our nation,” he concluded.

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