Palin Calls Trump's Extremist Immigration Plan A 'Shot In The Arm To Constitutionalists'

Surprise, surprise... Palin is out there pushing Donald Trump's over the top, extremist immigration proposals.

It seems Coultergeist and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker aren't the only ones out there defending Donald Trump's over the top immigration "plan" that would, as we already discussed here, more or less turn the United States into a police state, somehow attempt to make Mexico pay for a giant wall, and either repeal or ignore the 14th Amendment.

Former GOP VP nominee and grifter extraordinaire Sarah Palin decided she needed to get in on the act as well, and despite the fact that Trump is calling for something that would require a change to our constitution while completely ignoring all of the hurdles in the way of making something like that happen, called his plan a "shot in the arm to constitutionalists."

It's a "shot in the arm" alright, but I think the proper term for the people she was describing is wingnuts, or right-wing extremists. You're not a "constitutionalists" if you believe that the President of the United States can just wish away an amendment to our constitution and act like a dictator (something they constantly criticize President Obama for supposedly doing, and supposedly hate, BTW).

Here's more from Fox's blog: Palin: Trump Wants to Send the Message That America Comes First:

Sarah Palin went "On The Record" tonight and told Greta Van Susteren that Donald Trump's immigration plan is a "shot in the arm" to constitutionalists and conservatives who want politicians to put America first.

Palin said the plan challenges other GOP presidential candidates to explain why they don't support the policies that Trump has put forward.

"Donald Trump is talking about [the] big picture here," Palin said. "When we incentivize people to come on over via any avenue, it sends the wrong message ... We're rewarding those who would take illegal action."

"He wants to stop that and certainly send the message that America comes first," Palin said.

She added that she's "so happy" to see Trump doing well in the 2016 race and connecting with the American people.

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