Setting Hearts On Fire

Cosmic forecasts to create balance for self development and relationship compatibility.

Setting Hearts On Fire

With the Sun/Neptune opposition on Monday August 31, we may want to consider staying a bit more cautious this week. Confusing imbalances are likely, with a strong dose of imaginative senses and psychedelic dreaminess. This mystical fog can mislead us into identifying and/or experiencing something (or someone) that could smudge reflections or intentions. From an unrealistic image, unreliable assumptions or irresponsible behavior – what we see, may not be exactly what we get. Question to confirm… or learn to filter (with beneficial Jupiter in Virgo) … especially with the Venus/Mars conjunction on Tuesday September 1, as a lack of appreciation or support may invite resistance with a change of heart.

I fall in love with everything, I also hate everything. It’s very hard to be a misanthrope and a romantic. Marilyn Manson

We’ve had the opportunity to re-attract and re-connect with what mattered most to us during the last few weeks of Venus retrograde. Now with Venus stationing direct and getting back on track on Sunday September 6, previous struggles will slowly begin to ease regarding our values, love and money – allowing us to get back to where we last left off back in July.

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. Robert A. Heinlein

With an artistic Venus transiting through expressive Leo, we’re attracting through our own creation… and willpower won’t be slacking with the Sun/Pluto trine that also occurs on Sunday. An unexpected increase in the winds are brewing, which can signify a defiant shift in direction. With a few big gusts of change on the horizon, the possibility of strong storms may be necessary – if we’re in search of a miraculous rainbow. In the meantime, we may want to ponder this week ahead by asking ourselves: ‘what am ‘I’ willing to invest; in order to generate inner strength (Saturn), self-confidence, and a new appreciation for life’? Tarot Insight (SixCups/FiveWands): History isn’t going to repeat itself. For more information about the author, or for a personalized consult, click here.

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