Tax-Free Gun Range Now Adjacent To Alabama Church
What's better than more 2nd Amendment with your Jesus?
Several church members of the Rocky Mount Methodist Church in Jemison, Alabama owned guns, but didn't know how to operate them. Pastor Phillip Guin decided the empty land behind the church, land that is tax-exempt, of course, should be used to teach gun safety. They converted it into a gun range, and it's been very successful thus far, I'm guessing success is measured by the absence of accidents and fatalities (?).
The interview was your standard kumbaya of camaraderie of gun owners and church-goers who found a positive use for some unused land. It has brought other congregations to the church area, creating an even better sense of community. Elisabeth asked the pastor about his ability to shoot and he admitted he wasn't all that good.
Then, Hasselbeck asked Pastor Phillip if he is ready to defend his congregation, by 'packing heat from the pulpit.' Unexpectedly, he replied,
'no, I never pack heat in the sanctuary.'
Not the answer that Hasselbeck was wanting, because the Fox 'News' folks like nothing more than a chance to sell more guns with a side of Jesus. Perhaps this can turn into a real wild west shootout some day, and what makes better news and gun business than another shooting in a church?