This...Is My Boomstick!

The sheer tonnage of Both Siderism which the Beltway will need to bury this means double shifts for all the minions and interns David Brooks-wannabes working the Centrism mines.

From CNN:

Post-debate, Trump pulls clear of competition

By Jennifer Agiesta, CNN Polling Director

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has won his party's trust on top issues more than any other Republican presidential candidate, and now stands as the clear leader in the race for the GOP nomination, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

The survey finds Trump with the support of 24% of Republican registered voters. His nearest competitor,former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, stands 11 points behind at 13%. Just behind Bush, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carsonhas 9%, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker 8%, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul 6%, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former tech CEO Carly Fiorina and Ohio Gov. John Kasich all land at 5%, with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee rounding out the top 10 at 4%.

Trump is the biggest gainer in the poll, up 6 points since July according to the first nationwide CNN/ORC poll since the top candidates debated in Cleveland on Aug. 6. Carson gained 5 points and Fiorina 4 points. Trump has also boosted his favorability numbers among Republicans, 58% have a favorable view of Trump now, that figure stood at 50% in the July survey.


The sheer tonnage of Both Siderism which the Beltway will need to bury this means double shifts for all the minions and interns David Brooks-wannabes working the Centrism mines.

Meanwhile, Trump explains the new realities to the media and the GOP's establishment candidates...

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