Tucker Carlson Calls ABC Reporter 'Sensitivity Enforcer' For Asking Trump About 'Anchor Babies'

Looks like Tucker Carlson got the memo that Fox is "all in" for Trump now.

Looks like Tucker Carlson got the memo that Fox is "all in" for Trump now. Here's pollster Frank Luntz, who recently had the GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump declare war on him and demand that the network take him off the air, making nice with The Donald on this Saturday's Fox & Friends.

CARLSON: This is Donald Trump being confronted by a "sensitivity enforcer" posing as an ABC News reporter.

Watch this.

Cue video of Donald Trump being asked by an ABC reporter about his use of the term "anchor baby."

CARLSON: So what do people think of that?

LUNTZ: Well, the smartest thing that he could have done is take on political correctness, an issue that unites both conservatives and moderates, Republicans and independents. That you've got about 70 percent of America that thinks that we have gone so overboard in our language, in our messaging, in what we cannot say and that every time he uses the phrase political correctness and challenges it, you can actually see his numbers going up on the polls.

CARLSON: Interesting. It speaks well of your integrity that you say that. Trump has been tough on you personally and here you are complimenting his performance.

LUNTZ: Look, he has taken a couple of shots me, but I know what the dials show, I know what the language is, and I know what works and Donald Trump is really onto something when he talks about political correctness.

CARLSON: Good for you. Straight shooting from Frank Luntz.

So sucking up to Trump is now called "straight shooting." Got it. Fox helped create this monster, so it looks like they're along for the ride whether it means it helps to sink Republicans with the Latino vote during the upcoming presidential election and beyond or not.

Of course, Tucker went a lot easier on the press that was hounding Hillary Clinton over her email server and the reporters who asked Jeb! about his use of the term "anchor babies" as well. Apparently getting angry at the press is only appealing to right-wingers if you're a bloviating bully like Trump.

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