Walker Panics As Poll Numbers Sink At Home, Nationally
Walker uses fellow Republicans for traction for mired campaign bus.

But if Walker thought last week was bad, he must have assumed a fetal position by the end of the day Thursday.
The Quinnipiac University polls for Pennsylvania, Florida and Ohio came out Thursday morning. Walker scored in at 5%, 4% and 2% respectfully.
Even worse for Walker, he also was topped by Deez Nuts in North Carolina.
On Thursday, Marquette University Law School also came out with their new poll, the first one in three months. To say that it was bad news for Walker would be an understatement:
Republican presidential hopeful Gov. Scott Walker has lost significant home-state support for his White House bid, and he continues to face dissatisfaction among Wisconsin voters with his job approval rating falling below 40 percent for the first time in a new Marquette Law School Poll released Thursday.
The poll found 39 percent of registered voters approve of Walker’s job performance, two points lower than a similar survey in April and the lowest of all Marquette polls since January 2012.
“That’s notably underwater,” said poll director Charles Franklin.
Among a field of 17 Republican contenders, Walker received support from 25 percent of self-identified Republicans or independents who lean to the GOP. That’s dramatically below the 40 percent backing he had in April before formally entering the race.
In a head-to-head matchup, [Hillary] Clinton has a 52-42 lead over Walker. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush fared the best in Wisconsin against Clinton, who still held a 47-42 edge.
Only 37 percent said Walker is “someone who cares about people like me,” while six in 10 respondents said Walker is “someone who is able to get things done.” A third of respondents said they like Walker’s decision to run for president.
So with his campaign bus mired in the mud of his own incompetence, ineptitude, flip-floppery and idiocy, what is Walker to do?
Simple, what Walker always does when he is in trouble. He throws his Republican friends and allies under the wheels of the bus in the hopes of gaining some - any - traction:
One new wrinkle is how Walker recounts the story of his battle with public employee unions. In an effort to tout his anti-establishment credentials, he now stresses the resistance he met not just from Democrats but also from members of his own party in Wisconsin.
"A lot of people don't know this," Walker told about 200 people at a town hall meeting here. "The establishment in my own party really wasn't that eager to reform things either," he said of Republicans that took control of both legislative chambers after the same 2010 election that put Walker in office.
"You see, they kind of liked the title, they liked the position, they like the bigger office in the Legislature," he said. "They didn't want to rattle things up too much. They didn't want to shake the boat. We didn't give them an option; we said, 'That's what you've got to do.'"
Walker said, "I told them it's put up or shut up time," suggesting he'd do the same with congressional Republicans in Washington.
The gentle reader should note that Walker gave away something in that spiel, which is just what kind of "leader" he really is.
He can't convince people that his ideas are good ones (which they aren't) and he can't negotiate with them to try to make his ideas more palatable, even to rabid Republicans. The only thing Walker knows how to do is dictate to them. All he knows how to do is bully and threaten. And if they don't go along, he will retaliate against them.
How well does anyone think that would work with Congress, much less with leaders of foreign countries?