Watch White House Spokesman Take A Swipe At Fox News Over Its Biased Planned Parenthood Coverage
Don’t you just love it when Democrats call out Fox for what it is? Today, White House press secretary Josh Earnest didn’t actually say Fox News is biased but he got the point across very nicely nonetheless.
Don’t you just love it when Democrats call out Fox for what it is? Today, White House press secretary Josh Earnest didn’t actually say Fox News is biased but he got the point across very nicely nonetheless.
As the video below shows, Fox News White House correspondent Kevin Corke deliberately needled Earnest about his description of the Center for Medical Progress’ sting videos, designed to take down Planned Parenthood, as deceptive and misleading. Earnest’s response was priceless.
CORKE: You mentioned "grossly misleading," "partisan"… "ideological." You even said that there have been impartial observers who have raised questions. Who are these impartial observers to whom you refer and can you understand why there are so many American people who feel like their voices should also be heard here at the White House? Impartially speaking, there are people, whether they be Democrats or Republicans, who feel that what has been revealed in the videos is grotesque at a minimum and if not criminal, worse.
EARNEST: That’s why I’m pointing out to you that the New York Times has described the release of these videos as a campaign of deception and the Mercury News –
CORKE (interrupting): You’re not calling the Times impartial, are you?
EARNEST: Of course I am, Kevin.
CORKE: Josh, I mean, seriously, you can’t say that the Times is impartial about all things vis-à-vis Planned Parenthood. I’ve never seen them criticize Planned Parenthood for anything, and yet you’re saying that they’re impartial, somehow.
EARNEST: I’m going to resist the urge to raise questions about partiality of any news organization in this room, particularly in the context of this discussion.
Watch it above, via Tommy Christopher.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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