Colmes Vs Rev. Peterson: Black Lives Matter Is 'Ridiculous'

In this week's Versus With Alan Colmes, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson drinks the 'All Lives Matter' Kool-aid, and denounces the BLM Movement.

This week's edition of Versus featured Alan Colmes sparring with another Black Fox News pundit who despises 'leftist' movements that attempt to rectify racial problems in America. The statistics of police brutality, no matter how much the media emphasizes the recent wave of police officer fatalities, are undeniable. Black people, especially young men, are disproportionately murdered while in the custody of law enforcement.

The Statistics Don't Lie Credit:

Jesse Lee Peterson has a rich history of wingnuttery, well documented here on Crooks and Liars as well as Right Wing Watch. He despises the pro-union legacy of MLK and has lead the Tea Party in anti-NAACP rallies, in other words, the ideal Fox 'News' Black Pundit. He is the founder of B.O.N.D. (The Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny), which is an organization that espouses faux Conservative movements like the pro-life movement and promulgates the myth that Planned Parenthood is solely an abortion-providing organization. Like a good right winger, he lays the blame squarely on the shoulders of our 44th President.

The man really believes, or at least he says, that Black people bring this brutality upon themselves. They should simply submit and be arrested, even if video evidence contradicts this idiotic premise (see Eric Garner, which Alan attempts to remind the rambling guest). Peterson, like his right wing cohorts, allocates blame on President Obama for not condemning the Black Lives Matter movement, even if it wasn't responsible for the shooting of Officer Goforth in Texas on Friday. In fact, President Obama specifically said, 'targeting police officers is completely unacceptable- an affront to civilized society.' Peterson said that

'the president should have apologized for encouraging this type of environment by sending representatives from the White House to the 'thug' Michael Brown and other's funeral implying that White officers are racist towards Black people and causing these people to go after the cops.'

Peterson claims that the president has created this illusion, all by himself, one where the cops are racist towards Black people. (Gee, where did anyone come up with that idea?) Peterson lives in an impenetrable bubble where nothing gets in and only hate and stupidity escape. Alan reminded Peterson that the president condemns any police targeting. That had zero impact on the Reverend.

Peterson claims that President Obama came out by force and not by choice, only after police have been murdered by these thugs. We cannot trust this president, he's not an honest man. He only is interested in redistribution of wealth. Peterson is really a piece of work, and Alan had to give up trying to reason with his convoluted version of reality.

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