And Even Republicans Are Acting Surprised
The big news in Texas right now is that George P Bush, son of a JebBush, got elected Land Commissioner in Texas and is violating the law...

The big news in Texas right now is that George P Bush, son of a JebBush, got elected Land Commissioner in Texas and is violating the law, hiring his friends and family, not posting jobs, and has turned the Texas General Land office to a frat house / political payoff machine that even has his retired Republican predecessor aghast.
He’s a damn Bush, people. What the hell did you expect?
If you didn’t want someone acting like a damn Bush, why the fool tarnation did you elect a damn Bush?
Personnel records show that Bush has directed at least 40 external hires between November 2014 and July 2015 but listed only four of those with the Workforce Commission.
The average salary for those four jobs was about $65,000. The average salary for the 36 jobs that were not posted was about $90,000.
Ten jobs went to campaign aides, including temporary transition director, Trey Newton, who made $17,500 per month, and the five regional outreach coordinators, who are making annual salaries of $55,000. Newton, the campaign engineer Bush once called “our Karl Rove,” left in January. He did not return a call seeking comment.
And it gets worse. His college friends and GOP donors with no management experience get triple digit salaries. Because he’s a Bush.
Last week I complained that he’s never at work because he’s out campaigning for his Dad. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut.
In related news, the latest Gallup poll says 75% of Americans see widespread government corruption. In related to the related news, they are damn right.