Bill Maher Justifies 14-Year-Old Being Arrested For Bringing Clock To School

Bill Maher put his anti-Muslim bigotry on full display this Friday when he justified the arrest of the 14 year-old boy who brought a clock to school.

Real Time's Bill Maher put his anti-Muslim bigotry on full display this Friday when he justified the arrest of the 14 year-old boy who brought a clock to school, with a little help from two of his guests, Mark Cuban and Chris Matthews.

Here's a short and sweet description of what happened from Mediate: Maher Battles Guests on Ahmed Mohamed: Be Cautious When Young Muslims Are ‘Blowing Sh*t Up’:

Bill Maher really went off on the case of Ahmed Mohamed and said maybe liberals should drop the political correctness and consider that maybe being cautious is a good thing.

Maher made it clear that of course the Texas teen deserves an apology for being arrested over a clock, but said there’s nothing wrong with being a little suspicious when there’s a young Muslim student with something that “looks exactly like a fucking bomb” and there are young Muslims “blowing shit up” all over the world.

Mark Cuban also said he had some doubts, based on a phone conversation he had with Mohamed––claiming his sister was feeding him answers––and saying he heard secondhand that he brought the clock to a few different classes and it wasn’t a problem for plenty of teachers.

I don't care if Cuban thought the sister was feeding him answers or not when he talked to him, or how well he supposedly communicated with any of his teachers, the bottom line is the teachers and the rest of them involved knew full well what that kid brought to school was not a stinking bomb, and they arrested him anyway.

And someone needs to explain to Bill Maher that the picture he showed does not "look exactly like a fucking bomb." It looks just like a circuit board with some wires attached to it and what's underneath the majority of your appliances and everyday items in your house, or what's inside of that cell phone you're carrying around in your pocket all day. For something to "look exactly like a bomb" you need an explosive as well, not just circuitry for... you know... a freaking clock.

These guys can sit around and fearmonger about ISIS coming here to kill us all, pretend that the adults involved weren't fully aware that this kid wasn't going to blow something up, no matter how "nervous" they claimed a circuit board with some wires attached to it made them, racially profiling this kid was wrong and there's no excuse for how it was handled.

If any of them actually believed that this kid brought a bomb to school, why wasn't the school immediately evacuated? Oh yeah, that's right... because they didn't believe that.

"Not communicating" adequately with a teacher should never result in this:

Jorges Ramos was the only voice of reason on the panel, but of course that was met with open hostility by Bill Maher.

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