Calls For #BlackLivesMatter To Double Down On Fox News
I doubt anyone from #BlackLivesMatter is about to be intimidated by Bill O’Reilly’s threat to put them “out of business.” Nevertheless, The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur urges the group to double down in response.
I doubt anyone from #BlackLivesMatter is about to be intimidated by Bill O’Reilly’s threat to put them “out of business.” Nevertheless, The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur urges the group to double down in response.
In the video above, TYT’s Uygur and Ana Kasparian blast Fox’s disingenuousness and hypocrisy by trying to blame #BlackLivesMatter for some recent police murders. TYT makes a point I’ve previously made: that nobody on Fox has any business accusing anyone else of causing a murder, especially given O’Reilly’s inflammatory rhetoric toward Dr. George Tiller, who was assassinated after years of O’Reilly calling him “Dr. Tiller the baby killer.”
Not mentioned are some of my other points, that Fox’s championing of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s armed insurrection against law enforcers should disqualify them from condemning some stray group of #BlackLivesMatter protesters chanting something hateful about cops. Especially given that one of Bundy’s actual supporters actually murdered two Las Vegas police officers. Nor the point that regularly allows commenters to talk about murdering liberals and other people they don’t like.
But Uygur and Kasparian are spot on. Especially in the conclusion that protesting is “the most American thing” for #BlackLivesMatter to do. “If Fox doesn’t like it, they should do twice as many protests,” Uygur says.
I’ll add that I’d love to see them protest at Fox News. Considering their terror of angry black people, each protest would have twice the impact!
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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