Clinton Calls Out Fiorina's Irresponsible Attack On Planned Parenthood
Former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton didn't mention Carly Fiorina by name, but didn't need to when calling out her completely irresponsible attacks on Planned Parenthood during the last GOP debate.
Former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton didn't mention Carly Fiorina by name, but didn't need to when calling out her completely irresponsible attacks on Planned Parenthood during the last GOP on this Sunday's Face the Nation.
As PoliticusUSA's Jason Easley noted:
Former Sec. Clinton brought up a great point. If Republicans are so interested in banning fetal tissue research, why are they only targeting Planned Parenthood? The answer is that the Republican attack isn’t really about fetal tissue research. Republicans are on a mission to take healthcare options away from women.
Carly Fiorina is enjoying her moment in the sun by lying about Planned Parenthood. In the coming days, Fiorina will continue to press the issue until Republicans in Congress cave and Planned Parenthood is not defunded. Hillary Clinton is going to give Fiorina any free publicity by calling out her name, but the Republican Party and Fiorina are tap dancing on a landmine if they plan to use Planned Parenthood to attack Hillary Clinton.
They're dancing on another one with Trump and the open racism, but that hasn't stopped the majority of their candidates from jumping on his bandwagon as well.
Here's the transcript of Clinton's remarks via CBS:
DICKERSON: Let me ask you about those Planned Parenthood videos. Have you watched them?
CLINTON: I have seen excerpts from them. And I have certainly read about them.
And what I am troubled by are the misleading, inaccurate allegations about them that we heard from Republicans at their debate. This is really an attack on Planned Parenthood, which provides a lot of health services, from cancer screenings , to contraceptive services, to so many other of the needs women have.
And to shut down the government, which some Republicans are advocating, over funding for Planned Parenthood, which takes care of millions of women's health needs, is just the height of irresponsibility.
DICKERSON: That's the policy debate this has turned into. But what was your reaction just when you watched them?
CLINTON: Well, look, as Planned Parenthood has said, these were misleadingly edited. They were intentionally taken out of context.
The fact is that, if we want to have a debate in this country about whether we should continue using -- or doing fetal research, then it's not only Planned Parenthood that should be involved in that debate. All of the experts, all of the scientists, all of the research institutions, everybody who is looking for cures to Parkinson's, for example, should be asked, should we continue this?
But so far as I am aware, what they did, despite the way it was portrayed, is within the laws that were set up for this.
DICKERSON: This week, the Senate is going to vote to impose a federal ban on late-term abortions. Do you support a federal limit on abortion at any stage of pregnancy?
CLINTON: This is one of those really painful questions that people raise. And, obviously, it's really emotional.
I think that the kind of late-term abortions that take place are because of medical necessity. And, therefore, I would hate to see the government interfering with that decision. I think that, again, this gets back to whether you respect a woman's right to choose or not. And I think that is what this whole argument once again is about.