Congresswoman Diane Black Defends Planned Parenthood Witch Hunt

The Tennessee Republican tries to plead the case that Planned Parenthood should be shut down because of a fraudulent video.

On MSNBC's News Nation with Tamron Hall, Tennessee's Diane Black (R) was the voice of the obstinate, misogynist and uninformed Congressional investigation on Planned Parenthood, all based on a fraudulently 42X edited video. The specific issue at hand is her proposed bill, HR 3134, which would place a moratorium on ALL funding for Planned Parenthood for a year, pending the investigation into the Center for Medical Progress video. She's looking to prevent a government shutdown, which would not defund PP either way.

Diane Black can't, for the life of her, fathom why Cecile Richards and the functional women's health provider won't be there to be interrogated over a proven fallacy by the dysfunctional GOP House. Perhaps because, they weren't invited. She wants A.G. Loretta Lynch to participate, but she hasn't given her answer yet (and it should be a firm NO).

Hall noted that there was only one person who was on the panel representing the (pro-PP) minority side (John Conyers-MI (D)), so it is clearly a one-sided circus sideshow. Black claims that he is on just one of the three panels that are investigating this non-issue, which doesn't answer the question...what a surprise! She didn't volunteer to name any other Democrats that are part of this sham.

Tamron Hall tried to explain the negative effects of defunding PP. Black said she would tell these women that there are so many other agencies, that aren't mostly in urban (code: Black) areas that provide the same services, especially those awesome faith-based agencies. Women, Black suggested, are getting more services now that Tennessee has attempted to block Medicaid funding for PP.

Tamron asks Rep. Black,

'If an investigation can take place while PP is receiving funding, why cut it out? Even if it's one option for women, why eliminate even one?'

Because, nurse and GOP Congresswoman Black falsely claims, there are other resources, never mind what the statistics indicate. She doesn't like having to compete with Planned Parenthood, because her medical industry donors can make more money off the trials of women, so it must be good to eliminate competition. Strange how Conservative ideology encourages competition, yet they continually seek to eliminate it?

Tamron tried, in vain, to reiterate the need for Planned Parenthood and the fraudulent nature of the video, but Diane wasn't buying the reality she was selling. She accused PP of selling fetal tissue because, in her bubble, that's the truth. Maybe she needs a little fairy dust from Sarah Palin's unicorn to help her see the truth?

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