Flood Warnings Missed By FLDS, 8 Mothers And Children Dead

Officials say the bodies of two people were recovered in Arizona about 2 1/2 miles downstream from the Hilldale, Utah area where 2 vehicles succumbed to floodwaters, killing 6 more.

When your 'faith' or cult, more accurately, prohibits contact with the outside world and the internet, there are some drawbacks, which are sometimes fatal. Weather alerts and warnings were likely missed by the two vehicles swept up by floods, and the two vehicles were carrying a total of 16 passengers, all mothers and children. A total of 8 people have been confirmed dead, with 6 victims from these 2 vehicles alone.

16 occupants in two cars sure seems like a typical FLDS scenario and I am speculating that this tragedy may have been prevented had the women been better informed. FLDS women are not permitted to use the Internet. Here is one of the many warnings that were posted early morning on Twitter.

The FLDS (Fundamentalist LDS or polygamist sect) faithful reside in Southern Utah and Northern Arizona. You may remember the region's most famous and notorious resident, Warren Jeffs, who was finally captured in 2006 and later convicted of all sorts of ugly crimes against women and children. He is still issuing orders from his jail cell, which are likely followed to the letter. Cult leaders have a stranglehold on their devoted.

This was a tragedy indeed, and it isn't over yet.

SOUTHERN UTAH -- Eight people have died and five are missing after a family was swept away in a flash flood in Hildale Monday evening.

The victims are from the Colorado City and Hildale area and range from mothers to small children, said Kevin Barlow, Colorado City assistant fire chief.

Officials say a family in a van stopped in an area known to flood to watch the water when they got caught off guard and their vehicles were washed down stream.

The youngest victim is 4 years old and the three other victims were mothers.

Barlow said several agencies are trying to find the missing individuals, including a swift water rescue team.

The Zion National Park region, which surrounds the Utah/Arizona border is not unfamiliar with flash floods.

"We're pretty used to flash flooding, but this is significantly more than what we're used to," Barlow said.

I hope this type of tragedy can be avoided in the future. It is the responsibility of the male leaders of that community to keep their internet-deprived female members aware of imminent danger. This catastrophe should open their eyes to some of the benefits of internet technology, but who knows if anything will change?

It really doesn't matter if you 'believe' in the proven science of man-made climate change (MMCC) or not. It's here to stay. Two of the effects of MMCC are more intense storms and increased flooding; so expect this regional weather phenomenon to continue for many years to come, especially in the volatile desert of Hilldale, Ut. and Colorado City, Az.

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