Dick And Liz Cheney Want The World To Fear America Again
The pernicious pair promote a book that returns America to world's bully, once again. Ironically, the Dark Lord and his spawn are incensed by Hillary's emails.
The profligate pimp of Halliburton, Dick Cheney, the man who lied us into two wars, the war criminal who should be incarcerated for the rest of his life, and his hateful daughter, Liz, were the popular kids on the couch today at Fox and Friends. They made an appearance to promote their joint venture which will most assuredly, recapture the scorn of the international community. The book, entitled Exceptional, seeks to restore American Exceptionalism and undo all of the good will of the Obama Administration's diplomacy.
Most of the segment was devoted, ironically, to their abject disapproval of Hillary Clinton's conduct as Secretary of State. The email scandal has destroyed Mrs. Clinton's political future, not only by this fake news organization, but by every single media outlet which has been complicit in lazy and irresponsible journalism.
Since everyone at Fox News was unconscious during the Bush Administration, Pete, Elisabeth and Brian urged Dick and Liz to express their dismay at the audacity of Hillary to go against President Obama's guidance and maintain a private server. Forgetting that there were millions of emails and communiques destroyed by Cheney, Karl Rove and all his merry band of war criminals,Dick and Liz feign innocence to the most pathetic patsies on morning TV.
Everyone on the curvy couch agreed with the idiotic premise that Hillary is too untrustworthy to be president. Her alleged secrecy and sneaky behavior is too much of a negative and she can't possibly 'regain' the trust of the American people, according to virtuous Liz. It's wildly irresponsible to insinuate this by the same people who kept the findings of the 9-11 Commission classified and who committed treason against the U.S. by outing a CIA operative.
Besides the Benghazi 'scandal' (you know, the one where Clinton was never found culpable), how many American lives were lost as a direct result of Hillary's actions? How many people did Dick Cheney gleefully send to their deaths? Trey Gowdy's Benghazi Committee is as legitimate as the GOP's alternative to the Affordable Care Act.
The next topic of discussion was the Democratic Presidential race, no mention of Bernie Sanders, of course. Cheney seems to favor the idea of a candidate Joe Biden which should sound off alarms on the Left. When asked his opinion on the matter, he replied,
'It's a great idea. I like Joe, he's a good man, he's a Democrat. We don't agree on much. Besides, they're short on candidates on their side.'
Apparently, he views the large clown bus of 2016 Republican Candidates as a positive.
Kilmeade professes his adulation for their book, which praises the awful ideology of the Bush Doctrine. In fact, he simply 'couldn't put it down.' Liz explains that America's 'retreat' as the dominant world power has permitted the rise of ISIS and other evil entities. Liz arrogantly professes that,
'maintaining our power is crucial to the world's security.'
How else will the military industrial complex continue to benefit war profiteers like Dick Cheney? How else will we continue a culture of perpetual war?
In case you want more of these two charmers, they will be promoting Exceptional -- Why the World Needs a Powerful America on Anderson Cooper for a full hour tonight, an again on Fox's Hannity on Friday. Interviews of this putrid variety have made television 'news' just an infomercial for Republican ideology; in other words, Fair and Balanced.