Don Lemon Spars With Matt Bevin Over Support Of Hypocrite Kim Davis
CNN's Don Lemon went toe to toe with Kentucky Republican gubernatorial candidate Matt Bevin over his support of right wing hypocrite Kim Davis, and her refusal to issue marriage licenses in Kentucky.
CNN's Don Lemon went toe to toe with Kentucky Republican gubernatorial candidate Matt Bevin over his support of right wing hypocrite Kim Davis, and her refusal to issue marriage licenses in Kentucky.
Bevin didn't do himself any favors during the interview, from his failure to admit that the clerk had even broken any laws, to his hostile tone with Lemon for simply asking him to respond to his questions, and for his continued dodges when asked questions he didn't like. Not that any of that should come as a huge surprise given this wingnut's track record and statements he's made in the past.
When Lemon asked Bevin about the fact that Davis is a huge flaming hypocrite for being married four times while denying gay people the right to marry, Bevin initially tried to dodge the question, but after being pressed by Lemon for not answering him and trying to change the subject, he finally pulled the "get of of jail free" card for Davis and claimed that all is forgiven because she just recently converted to Christianity. Never mind all of those pesky past marriages she had. That was in the past before she found Jesus.
Lemon didn't have much more luck with trying to get Bevin to answer questions about Davis and the right wing's selective use of Bible quotes that suit them: ‘Let Me Finish!': Don Lemon Goes At It with KY Republican over Kim Davis:
At one point, during Lemon’s debate with Kentucky Republican gubernatorial candidate, and Kim Davis supporter, Matt Bevin he played part of a clip from The West Wing that has gone viral this week in response to Davis’ religious freedom arguments.
When Bevin accused fictional President Jed Bartlett, and by extension Lemon, of “selectively choosing” Bible quotes to demonstrate how out-dated a literal interpretation of Christianity is, Lemon shot back, “But that’s what she’s doing! That is the criticism of her.”
“Hang on, will you let me finish?” Lemon said as Bevin interrupted him. “Will you let me finish and then you can answer the question. What she has done is picked the Bible verses that she wants to interpret them, in the way that she wants to interpret them, when there are many Bible verses that you can interpret literally and you can draw your own conclusion from.”
In turn, Bevin accused Lemon of getting “upset” and sarcastically said, “I appreciate your now theological expertise and I appreciate you sharing that with your audience, but the bottom line is this: What I have done as a guy running for governor is propose a solution whereby there’s equal protection under the law.”
“I have never heard one negative word, not one negative word from Kim Davis or any other clerks about homosexuals,” Bevin added. “All the violent commentary has come from the other side directed at her. And I would challenge any of your listeners and yourself to find evidence of anything being the other way around.”
As Lemon reminded Bevin after that bit of hyperbole, you don't have to literally be calling someone names to discriminate against them. It always amazes me when one of these right wing haters is talking to a gay reporter and telling them that they think it's just a-okay to discriminate against them, that they think they're not going to get an ounce of push back.