Donald Trump Is To Fox News As Fox News Is To Real News
At this point, the combined support for Big Cray-cray and Lil' Cray-cray makes up more than half of all support for the entire GOP field, including "Nobody" and "Undecided".
It is absolutely delicious to see Resting Bitchface Wingnut and Zombie Gumby Wingnut swapping incredulities over the fact that Donald Trump's followers don't give the tiniest damn about facts or logic or even day-to-day consistency. OMFG! Donald Trump can announce something today and then completely reversing himself tomorrow and -- horrors! -- his squealing orc army Does Not Care.
And the batshit wind beneath Ben Carson's wings is not coming at the expense of Trump, but rather from the menagerie of the broken, whiny losers who are scrambling for scraps and whose only hope of camera time on any major network is if they manage to somehow photobomb the cable new's wall-to-wall Trumpapalooza. Which means at this point, the combined support for Big Cray-cray and Lil' Cray-cray makes up more than half of all support for the entire GOP field, including "Nobody" and "Undecided".
As I wrote last month, Brit Hume's employer has spent 20 years and hundreds of millions of dollars training Fox News viewers to proudly ignore facts and logic and even day-to-day consistency and automatically rally to the defense of any bombastic Fox News a$$hole with high ratings who says he being unfairly attacked.
And so, as he looks on in horror at a loud, preening trashmouth bigot commanding a loyal legion of fact-averse imbeciles who are taking over his playground and declaring that he has never seen anything like it before, I have to wonder whether Brit Hume has ever actually bothered to watch Fox News at all: