'Fiorina: From Secretary To CEO'? Yeah, Sure!
The Nation's Michelle Goldberg debunks Carly's claim that she was an ordinary secretary who worked her way up in a man's world.
The Planned Parenthood comment from Carly Fiorina was what I found most grotesquely inaccurate, at the CNN Debate on Wednesday night. Her description of a live fetus on an operating table was utterly false and fabricated to drive a point home that the Planned Parenthood videos, falsely edited, were a reason to start a ridiculous, fervent new pro-life campaign.
On All In with Chris Hayes, he discussed Fiorina's performance at the debate with Michelle Goldberg from The Nation, and this had to be said! Watch from the 7:21 to hear this topic discussed. We've all heard her story that she was a lowly secretary who worked her way up the corporate ladder to become Hewlett-Packard CEO. What she hasn't revealed is the truth: she was anything but a typical secretary.
Carly bought the rights to the site FromSecretarytoCEO.com to tell her 'story' about her ascension in a male-dominated corporate world. Let's begin with what Goldberg revealed about her history. First off, her father was not your typical daddy.
Her father, Joseph Tyree Sneed III, who died in 2008, was a law professor at the University of Texas, Stanford, and Cornell, the dean of Duke Law School, a deputy attorney general under President Richard Nixon, and a longtime senior judge on the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. In fact, a few of Sneed’s opinions and actions have made their way into the conservative canon, including the following: "Three Strikes," Gay discrimination, and The Ken Starr-Whitewater/Clinton (witch hunt).
That certainly explains her hatred of Hillary Clinton.
Her daddy has impressive Conservative bona fides.
A strong conservative who had worked in the Nixon Justice Department, Sneed had served from 1971 through 1973 as tax professor and dean at Duke Law School. There, one of his star students had been an earnest young man named Kenneth Winston Starr. Sneed, speaking from his San Francisco judicial chambers, where he still reported to work after turning eighty, would later reflect that Starr had made a brilliant impression on him. “Just personally, I really like him, and he was smart,” said Sneed. He also appreciated the fact that Starr hailed from Texas. Sneed’s own great-granddaddy had been a preacher who settled in Calvert, Texas, and then struck it rich in oil.
She was a secretary while home during the summers while attending Stanford University, as a temp from the Kelly Girl agency. She was not the average woman trying to make ends meet. She decided UCLA law school wasn't for her, so she got a Masters in Business. On her website, she claims to have a modest upbringing.
On the Carly For America campaign website - run not by her staff but by a political action committee that supports her candidacy - she is quoted as saying her childhood was 'modest' and 'middle class'.
In fact her childhood saw her travel from California to North Carolina to London and Ghana as her father took up academic positions at Cornell, Yale, Stanford and Duke. Carly then attended Stanford University in California, where she majored in medieval history and philosophy.
This token female on the GOP stage is not a friend to women. Her deliberate and malicious misrepresentation of Planned Parenthood is not helping the poor women she should be supporting and defending.
'And Fiorina repeating a proven hoax/myth/canard to limit women’s rights to independence from government intervention in our lady bits is just as bad as when men do it.'
Fiorina, who never had biological children of her own (and never had to deal with the issue of abortion) is a woman who doesn't take up for women's issues and causes, in other words, the perfect female Republican Presidential Candidate. If she too adopts the misogyny of the party, she can be the token female who is also an apologist for their women-hating platform. The more we learn about her, the more she is allowed to divulge, and the faster she will plummet from her 'meteoric' rise.