Former AZ Gov. Jan Brewer Suggests Trump Birther May Have Been A Plant
The lovely ex-governor from Arizona, who demonizes immigrants and profits off prisoners also supports xenophobic presidential candidates.
It was only the second line of this morning's Weekends With Alex Witt interview, so, Jan Brewer says, 'The President SAYS he's a Christian,' so you can imagine the way this is going to turn out. Republicans have to support each other, it's the eleventh commandment, so of course Brewer will defend Donald Trump's non-response to an audience member who accused our Muslim Commander in Chief of harboring terrorist camps in the U.S. and who wants to 'get rid of Muslims.'
Alex asked if Brewer was uncomfortable with Donald Trump's response to the clearly Islamophobic Birther audience member. She wasn't uncomfortable, because there are a lot of Muslims in America, and since we're not so sure President Obama isn't a Muslim, then it's not necessarily a bad thing to assume. She was lending credence to the creep's question! She said that
this is a lot of 'to do' about nothing. I don't know what faith the president is?
Then Alex asked if Donald Trump, a presidential candidate, has an obligation to correct someone who is making a blatant error? She reminded him of the time her Senator, Candidate McCain corrected a woman who made an erroneous claim about Candidate Barack Obama in 2008. The way McCain handled the same situation was far more presidential and honorable, there's no question.
Witt reminded her that when the man mentioned the 'Muslim problem,' Trump, under his breath, said 'right.' Then Trump pretends to be flummoxed that this particular question was his first. Brewer wasn't having any of that lousy factual nonsense, Trump was fully justified because that guy was probably a plant. It's the media's fault that Donald Trump is coming across like a bombastic buffoon, he's really just being a typical candidate. These things happen and Trump is not to blame for this particular episode.
It got worse, Brewer insisted that since we all know President Obama says he's a Christian (*cough cough*), why does Trump or anyone have to still defend him when someone makes an outlandish assertion? Let's face it, Jan Brewer is just as much a birther as Donald Trump. She wants everyone to
'let it go, move on, let's talk about what's really important to the United States of America.'
That's because her political party has spent enough time making sure that their base thinks that the President is someone who they should justifiably fear, and dammit, no one is going to change that; not now, not ever!