Fox News Has Been Promoting War With Iran For Almost A Decade
In 2007, our friends at Brave New Films put together a video showing Fox News' push for war with Iran. On Friday, they reminded us that nothing much has changed.
In 2007, our friends at Brave New Films put together a video showing Fox News' push for war with Iran. On Friday, they reminded us that nothing much has changed.
The video below was part of a Fox Attacks series that Brave New Films put together in 2007 as an outgrowth of their landmark video, Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism. We at NewsHounds helped them with the research for that documentary and the later series.
What's also striking is how Fox is using the same rhetoric it used to gin up support for the war in Iraq to gin up a new war with Iran.
Watch the video below, first published in August, 2007 and note how similar Fox's 2007 fear mongering is to what we're hearing now.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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