To Fox News, KY Clerk Kim Davis Is A Bigger Martyr Than Martin Luther King
To Fox News, Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refuses to sign same-sex marriage certificates and has been sent to jail as a result, is a bigger martyr than Martin Luther King.
To Fox News, Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refuses to sign same-sex marriage certificates and has been sent to jail as a result, is a bigger martyr than Martin Luther King.
In a discussion about Davis, host Tucker Carlson called Davis' situation, a "showdown between religious freedom and the rule of law." A large "Fight for Faith" graphic let everybody know which side Fox News is on.
Carlson fed the guest, Pastor Robert Jeffress his talking points. "Your point is that the punishment… may be over the top but Christians who follow their faith, when that faith puts them in conflict with civil authorities, have to be prepared to accept the consequences."
JEFFRESS: That’s exactly right. You know, Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Whenever man’s laws conflict with God’s moral law, we have to obey God’s moral law. But that belief landed Dr. King in a Birmingham jail just as it landed Kim Davis in a Kentucky jail.
Carlson, however, turned Davis into an even bigger martyr. He said “Part of the difference, I suppose, between Kim Davis and Martin Luther King is the reception that she’s received. King was lionized, correctly, as a hero, as a moral leader by the people who run this country who write newspaper opinion columns and appear on television. Davis has been dismissed as a crank. …She’s not a popular figure."
Never mind that King was assassinated, I guess.
"If our forefathers had not been willing to defy government authority, there would have been no American revolution, abolition of slavery or civil rights movement," Jeffress added. He called it “a harbinger of yet to come” because the country keeps moving farther away from Christian/Judeo principles, according to him. “I think Christians are going to have to make a choice to obey God or government. And while it is a noble thing to obey God, there are consequences," he said.
Then, because Davis was not a big enough martyr yet, Jeffress noted that civil disobedience also landed the apostle Peter in jail, Daniel in the lion’s den and Jesus on the cross. He said that Christians “need to understand” that God will ultimately reward obedience to him, but it may not be immediately.
Watch it above, from the September 5 Fox & Friends.
(H/T NewsHound Richard)
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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