Crazy Frank Gaffney Defends Ben Carson's Islamophobia

Sparring with Alan Colmes, Gaffney reveals that he is just another Islamophobic Birther.

Frank Gaffney became a public figure when he worked in the Reagan Administration.

From August 1983 until November 1987, Mr. Gaffney was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy under Assistant Secretary Richard Perle.

From February 1981 to August 1983, Mr. Gaffney was a Professional Staff Member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, chaired by Senator John Tower (R-Texas). And, in the latter 1970’s, Mr. Gaffney served as an aide to the late Senator Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson (D-Washington) in the areas of defense and foreign policy.

In 1988, Gaffney founded the Center for Security Policy, which claims to be a non-partisan, non-profit group, but obviously by the list of guests who appear on his radio show, Secure Freedom Radio, it is anything but non-partisan.

Gaffney began his descent into Islamophobia and Birtherism during the Obama Administration. He is a full-blown 'Sharia-phobe' now, there's no question.

Mr. Gaffney is the publisher and associate author of Shariah: The Threat to America (Center for Security Policy Press, 2010). Shariah: The Threat draws upon the work of the Center for Security Policy and offers practical steps for mobilizing the our law enforcement, our elected officials and the American public to defend out country from those who would do us harm.

If you have any doubts this man is wholly committed to wiping out Islam in the U.S., just take a look at one of his tweets. There are thousands just like this one.

Alan Colmes, on his weekly Versus show on Foxnews.com asked Gaffney what he thought of Ben Carson's remarks about Islam as it relates to the office of POTUS. Gaffney believes this comment was valid and should not disqualify Ben Carson for the presidency, even if it's completely antithetical to Article 6 of The U.S. Constitution. Gaffney has committed his existence to fearmongering over Islam. Alan tried to compare Sharia Law to Kosher Law or Canon Law, but Gaffney was utterly convinced that Islam is absolutely incompatible with our system of government, not seeing the irony in his opinion.

In 2011, he was absolutely certain that the Muslim Brotherhood was infiltrating the U.S. Government. He subscribes to all the birther rumors, the President is a Muslim rumors and speculation that Huma Abedin is proof that the Muslim Brotherhood is advising Hillary Clinton.

ALAN COLMES: 'So you agree with Ben Carson that the Constitution would preclude a Muslim from being President of the United States?'

FRANK GAFFNEY: I think that the guy's or gal's Sharia adherence would preclude that person from being President of the United States.

Gaffney went on to say that Islam is fundamentally subversive and in many cases, seditious. Alan tried to reiterate how the Constitution is not open for interpretation, even by an Islamophobe like Gaffney. He's convinced that the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to install Sharia through political domination.

ALAN COLMES: No one is talking about installing Sharia Law in the United States. Are you an Islamophobe Frank?

GAFFNEY: I am not an Islamophobe.

COLMES: Do you think Obama is a Muslim?

GAFFNEY: I have no idea. I think he was one... He grew up in the Muslim faith... What matters is, as Senator Ted Cruz says in his policy there's no question that they are sympathetic to and advancing the agenda of these Islamists.

Gaffney insists that the President helped install the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Libya, and Syria, among other places, and it's been horrific for them. He is aghast that the president plans to bring more of 'them' here.

It was news to me that the Muslim Brotherhood is the same group as ISIL. As far as Frank is concerned, they're all the same. Sounds a lot like Donald Trump's dismissal of being responsible for knowing the different players from all the different factions in the Middle East. Alan tried to explain that President Obama has been in office, now for 7 years, and there's no evidence he has tried to impose Sharia Law. Frank Gaffney does not think that is true.

Alan then asks him if they can, at least, agree that the president was born in Hawaii. He says, predictably,

I have no idea where he was born, nor am I going to speculate on it, that's where he says he was born.

That got a good chuckle out of Alan, as he's incredulous of how deep the birtherism runs in this guy. Gaffney claims that the one thing we can learn from Carson's Sunday morning interview, is that what Ben Carson said was an important truth and Islam has no place in our government, the Constitution be damned!

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