Geraldo Rivera Still Defends Racist, Xenophobic Trump

Geraldo Rivera spars with Alan Colmes on his defense of the racist billionaire, Donald Trump.

Alan is pleased to finally have a Fox News personality to spar with who holds many of the same liberal beliefs that he does. So sitting down with Geraldo Rivera, he hoped to find common ground with regards to Donald Trump. Alan explains that Geraldo is a friend of Donald Trump's, so it's not surprising what he thinks of the ignorance exposed by Hugh Hewitt. Trump did miserably when quizzed about names of the various factions in the Middle East and their leaders. If you recall, he said all Arab names are the same.

Rivera agrees that the immigration policies espoused by the Donald are abhorrent, but he still defends his right to not know specifics about foreign policy. Alan asked him if his views on immigration disgust him and he essentially said that the deportation of 12 million undocumented immigrants is far from possible, or fair.

Alan has a history of calling out his fellow Fox News personalities. Remember when McCain's affairs were given a pass while John Edwards was thrown to the wolves? Alan hands Sean Hannity a dose of his own medicine here.

Ultimately, Rivera will vote, he thinks, for Hillary Clinton, but his defense of Trump's ignorance baffles and troubles Alan, as it does me.

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