Gohmert Calls Boehner A Dictator While Claiming Republicans Have Been The Only Party Willing To Compromise

Someone's off their meds again.

I'm not sure what old "Terror Babies" Louie Gohmert has been smoking, but the self-delusion is strong with this one. From this Saturday's Fox & Friends, while discussing House Speaker John Boehner's announcement that he's retiring from Congress, the Texas Rep told hosts Clayton Morris and Tucker Carlson that Republicans are the only ones that have been willing to make any compromises, while calling his soon to be former leader a dictator.

Someone needs to remind Gohmert that giving someone everything they want and ceding to all of their demands is not "compromise."

MORRIS: Is compromise ever going to come back to Capitol Hill?

GOHMER: First of all, I awoke this morning, I said my prayers and I said, Thank you, Lord.” And yes, there can be compromise, and that's the thing that people have not gotten.

There's been only one party that's been willing to compromise. We saw that with Obamacare. There was no compromise with the Democrats. We're willing to compromise. We're willing to do things in a bipartisan way, and in fact, right now, we're willing to fund more for women's health care than the Democrats and the President wanted.

We just don't want it going to Planned Parenthood. We want it to go actually to the facilities that do mammograms, like Planned Parenthood. So we're filling to compromise. We're going to fund everything, and that's tough for me and others, but we're willing to fund everything the Democrats want, just not Planned Parenthood and we shouldn't be funding the Iran treaty, because it is a treaty and it's just time to have a leader.

And by the way, one of the things most people are not aware of. This Speaker put in place a rule years ago when he became the top leader, that you could not, no matter what leadership position you were in, you couldn't stay there more than six years. Well, he's violated that by a few years, so now we're going to live, we're going to try to live by our own rules. That will be a good thing.

CARLSON: So Congressman, you're obviously happy about the Speaker's announcement yesterday. A lot of conservatives like you were applauding it. Are you certain though that the next Speaker will be better for conservatives? I mean, are you certain for example that Kevin McCarthy, who seems like the most likely candidate, would be a more conservative Speaker than John Boehner?

GOHMERT: I think that you will see a, no matter who the Speaker is, and I’m supporting Dan Webster of Florida for Speaker of the House there, who is a Republican, but, no matter who it is, I know they’ll be more conservative because they will let the majority rule and that’s the way it’s supposed to work.

We've had a dictatorship for years now and we saw that with the funding of the Homeland Security, which funded amnesty. You had 167 Republicans vote against it, 75 vote for it, which tells you way over two-thirds have not been listened to by this Speaker.

So, I wish him well. People ask, “Why do you hate him?” I don't hate him. I'm a Christian. He's a Christian. I love him as a brother, but it's time for somebody else who will let the majority rule, and we can do so in a compromised manner, if the Democrats will let them.

Gohmert forgot to add "bless his heart." That was about the only thing missing from his "praise" of John Boehner.

Anyone who wants to know what's wrong with our House of Representatives, just look at that screen shot above.

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