New Clinton Ad Ridicules GOP Debate

The 89-second Web ad flashes a series of issues on the screen and shows breaks in the action Wednesday when candidates weren't speaking.

Funny, that's just how most normal viewers saw it!

Hillary Clinton's campaign is out with a light-hearted new ad that makes a serious point about Wednesday night's CNN Republican presidential primary debate: There wasn't much talk about kitchen-table issues that animate Democrats.

The 89-second Web ad flashes a series of issues on the screen ā€” paid family leave, making college and child care more affordable, equal pay for women and protecting voting rights ā€” and shows breaks in the action Wednesday when candidates weren't speaking. At one point the audio flips to the sound of crickets chirping.

To be fair, the Republican candidates responded to the set of questions they were asked by moderators Jake Tapper, Dana Bash and Hugh Hewitt ā€” which focused mainly on foreign policy, immigration and taxes rather than how Republican candidates might create or expand government programs. But still, the phrase "middle class" was uttered just three times by candidates, according to Time's transcript of the debate.

"Here's what they talked about instead," the ad says in bold letters.

It includes clips of several of the Republican candidates bragging that they had de-funded Planned Parenthood in their home states, capped off by what might have been Carly Fiorina's most awkward moment of an otherwise strong debate performance.

"Iā€™d like to link these two issues, both of which are incredibly important: Iran and Planned Parenthood," Fiorina says.

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